

La Habana, 1933 - La Habana, 2016

Genre: Essays

Renowned researcher, writer, essayist, musicologist and saxophonist. National Prize of Literature 2007 and National Prize of Music 2014. Among his vast work we highlight: Alejo in Firm Land: intertextuality and fortuitous encounters (2005), Music and decolonization (1982), From drum to synthesizer (1983), The Baroque of the Indies and other essays (1985), Whatever you choose I sing (1992 and 2014), Cuban Jam: Jazz in Cuba. 1900-1950 (2000), Roots of Latin Jazz: A Century of Jazz in Cuba (2001) and Music and Epic in the novel of Alejo Carpentier (1976). His works have been published by Cuban and foreign publishers.

There is no place, in the delivery of Leonardo, to ignore musicians like René Hernández or Mario Bauzá, present in this book from the pages dedicated to the time of the Mil Diez; the history of many great ones reaches prominence in processes that do justice to the truth. There is no lack of treatment in processes where, once again, the parallelism becomes clear, with regard to the healthy exchange between North American and Cuban musicians that is operated simultaneously at bop tempo, until it ends at cubop (an episode that the critic brings to light, for general knowledge in all its details, with the mastery and originality that invariably assists him). The book A Century of Jazz in Cuba, by Leonardo Acosta, is, since its entry into my world, one of the most precious points of support available to me to study and explain any process of Cuban life in the century XX. (Marta Valdés).

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Leonardo Acosta Essays/
La iguana ciega, 2018

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